The BRANDT Smart System® is revolutionary technology that enhances nutrient absorption and translocation to growth points.
Reduce herbicide induced stress | Excellent ROI | Approved to be used with Roundup in tank mixtures.
The BRANDT Smart System® comprises BRANDT Manni-Plex and BRANDT Smart System.

BRANDT Manni-Plex is formulated to enhance the absorption and translocation of elements in the plant based on sugar-alcohol compounds.

BRANDT Smart System is compatible with Roundup, Dicamba, 2,4D, as well as a wide range of insecticides and fungicides.
Elim is an exclusive distributor of BRANDT products in South Africa. Contact your sales representative at 012 252 4455.
To read more about BRANDT Smart System®

Top-quality products, supported by agricultural knowledge and outstanding service, give Elim Fertilisers the edge.