A range of products formulated for irrigation purposes. The PIVOT range is sodium free and contains EDTA and HBED chelated micro elements, ideal for soil applications.
Quick absorption
When they are chelated, micronutrients
are absorbed by plant leaves more quickly
than when applied as crystalline salts,
becoming available to plants rapidly.
Plant leaves are normally very tolerant
of chelates. In contrast, mineral salts
often cause leaf burning after foliar
Good solubility
Mineral chelates normally dissolve very
easily in water. They form clear solutions,
without sediments or precipitates. This
guarantees a high level of eectiveness
and stops the nozzle becoming blocked.
Good miscibility
Chelated fertilisers mix well with many
crop protection products, as well as with
other foliar fertilisers. They can therefore
be used in various tank mixes, saving
on field manoeuvres. The grower should
always check the manufacturer’s label
before preparing tank mixes.
High stability
Chelated fertilisers are stable, even
under adverse soil conditions. For
example, HBED chelated Fe(III) remains
stable even in calcareous soils with a pH
of up to 12.
High Cost-effectiveness
As chelated fertilisers are normally more
effective than crystalline salts composed
of the same nutrients at the same molar
concentration, a lower rate of chelated
fertiliser is needed. This markedly reduces
the final expenditure required for peak

Formulated as 100% water-soluble, free-flowing crystals without any impurities, Pivot Fe is a specialty fertiliser specifically designed to supply highly available iron cations to plants in high pH conditions (above 7.5) and in calcareous soils.
- Recommended for preventive and corrective fertilisation in all agricultural and horticultural crops.
- Pivot Fe can successfully counteract iron deficiency, quickly treating the associated physiological disorders.

Pivot Legumes is a multi-nutrient, multifunctional crystalline fertiliser. This fully water-soluble product is specifically designated for soil feeding of leguminous crops (e.g. peas, beans, soybeans, chickpeas, alfalfa and peanuts).
- All nutrients are readily and quickly available to plants. This unique combination of essential nutrients optimises root development and enhances their synergism with nitrogen-fixing bacteria.
- Increases the growth of the aboveground biomass, especially in terms of pod production and high-protein grains.
- Boosts plants’ vigour, health and tolerance to occasional water deficit stresses.

Pivot Pentagon is a multi-nutrient, multifunctional crystalline fertiliser. This fully water-soluble product is specifically designated for the soil feeding of all types of crops.
- Pivot Pentagon was specifically designed for high pH and calcareous soils.
- All nutrients are readily and quickly available to maize plants. This unique combination of essential nutrients ensures the optimal development of plants’ biomass, shoots, roots and flowers.
- Boosts plants’ vigour, improves their health and effectively prevents nutrient deficiencies. All of this contributes to an increased number of kernels per ear and per 1000-grain weight, which directly translates into a substantial grain yield.

Pivot Sulphur is a multi-nutrient, multifunctional, free-flowing and non-hygroscopic crystalline fertiliser. This fully water-soluble product is intended for soil application to arable, vegetable, floriculture and orchard crops. It features high levels of nitrogen (N) and magnesium (Mg) (14% each), and an extremely high concentration of sulphur (SO3, 44%).
- Contains a relatively high concentration of manganese (Mn, 0.4%) that is fully chelated by the classic EDTA agent, ensuring that all nutrients in Pivot Sulphur are readily and quickly available to all plants.
- Applying this N-Mg-S rich fertiliser ensures control and prevention of sulphur deficiency in crops. This is especially true for crops renowned for their high sulphur requirements, such as oil-seed rape and brassica vegetables (e.g. broccoli, cabbage and Brussels sprouts).

Pivot Zn is a specialty fertiliser, specifically designed to supply highly available zinc cations to plants in moderate pH conditions. The fertiliser is formulated as fully water-soluble, free-flowing micro-granules without any impurities or dust. Due to the “raspberry” shape of the micro-granules the product is not hygroscopic and is self-soluble, with no mixing required.
- Pivot Zn is a sodium free formulation, which is especially important in greenhouses and areas with higher salinity. Consequently, there is a reduced risk of sodium build-up, while at the same time potassium contained in the product (K2O at 20.8% w/w) is fully plant-available.
- Serves as an effective source of zinc and is mainly recommended for soil application, hydroponics and fertigation.
- Recommended for preventive and corrective fertilisation in all agricultural and horticultural crops.
- Pivot Zn quickly corrects zinc deficiency, treating the resulting physiological disorders.

Top-quality products, supported by agricultural knowledge and outstanding service, give Elim Fertilisers the edge.